The Donation as COVID Relief

COVID-19 impacted the whole world with a pandemic. 1000s of people lost their lives in isolation and loneliness. Nepal being an underdeveloped country, went through a struggle different from the developed countries. Many people who depended on daily income lost their life not due to the virus but due to hunger. The government of Nepal was not able to provide any kind of stimulus. Many organizations and individuals came forward to help each other in this time of the pandemic. Unlike other disasters, this pandemic was also extremely dangerous to those who came forward for help. We Bindas Toli would like to thank them from your heart.

When our home country was suffering badly with COVID, hunger, and poverty, we decided to help in every small way we could. Keeping in mind that even small good deeds will make a great difference, we donated $1000 to 100’s group for the following programs:

  1. Runnig a COVID-19 isolation center with doctors.
  2. Providing oxygen and medicine to the patients in the isolation center
  3. Providing food to hunger, needy people.

The attached photos are from the donation successfully organized by 100’s group in collaborator with the Bindas Toli. After this first successful donation program, we created a GoFundMe to collect more COVID relief funds for more rounds of donations. Collected funds will be donated to more social organizations that have been working to help COVID victims in their time of need.

Link to GoFundMe for donation: